My name is Jonathan Rollins. I was born in the District of Columbia on June 21, 1989. Having been born in D.C., you wouldn’t believe how difficult it was and continues to be to fill out forms that ask you for your birth city and state. Shortly after I was born my father’s job relocated him and our family to Dallas. We found a home in Rowlett and that is where we were rooted for 6 years. While in Texas I became an older brother to two siblings and couldn’t have been more excited. Being an only child for most of my early life, I finally had brothers to play with and at times (when necessary) provide a wedgie or two. What’s a wedgie you ask, well it’s something that older brothers are required to do to younger brothers.
After my 2nd grade year of elementary school was over in TX, I found out that my dad’s job again had us moving. This time we were headed to Colorado Springs, CO. We spent six years in Colorado, this time spanned from the 3rd to 8th grade. Living in Colorado introduced me to many different things that some may never get the luxury to experience and enjoy. These experiences included ice hockey, snowboarding, skiing, mountain climbing, and best of all…snow days.
Well, I bet you can go ahead and guess what happened next. After my 8th grade year we again found ourselves on the move. This time it was back to Rowlett, TX. I attended Rowlett High School where I played trumpet in the marching band. While in school I had the good fortune of meeting the girl that what eventually be my future wife. I finished my high school career in 2007 and right after graduation I found myself applying for a job at TESS. I had a close friend there and it seemed like a great opportunity. Within three months of working at TESS I had been moved to the Fax Department. The Fax department would eventually be dissolved and I was relocated to the main contact center floor. A year or so later I was promoted to my current position, Team Leader.
In June of 2011 I married my high school sweetheart, Mackenzie. We currently reside in Royse City, TX, with our 1 year old Siberian Husky puppy, Nikita. We are very excited about what lies ahead no matter where life may take us. I am so fortunate to have everything that God has provided me with; a great house, a fantastic job, a loving family, and an amazing wife.
I’m going to leave y’all with a quote that I love and try to live by that says, “If ya ain’t first, ur last.” … Just kidding! I think Ricky Bobby uses that one. The one I like read something like this, “Your time on earth is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” - Steve Jobs
-Jon Rollins