Every month, or quarterly in some parts of Texas, regional Damage Prevention Council meetings take place where stakeholders discuss ways to improve the process associated with safe excavation and take on projects that help make that a reality. A Damage Prevention Council (DPC) is a member-driven association dedicated to the prevention of damage to underground utilities. Typically comprised of construction contractors, utility operators, One Call, utility locators, insurance providers, engineering firms, TxDOT, and other associated industry stakeholders, a DPC meeting provides an optimal forum where stakeholders can share information and perspectives, and then work together on all aspects of damage prevention.
The Damage Prevention Councils of Texas were established in 2000 to facilitate communication among the regional DPCs as well as Utility Coordination Councils (UCC) and Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) sub-committees that shared common damage prevention goals. As a result of this organizational effort, the existing entities began to coordinate their respective damage prevention efforts while new DPCs were established in previously unrepresented areas of the State. This same year, the Common Ground Alliance (CGA) was established to continue the damage prevention efforts envisioned by the Common Ground Study. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation and completed in 1999, this Study represents the collaborative work of 160 industry professionals who identified best practices relating to damage prevention. The state level Damage Prevention Councils of Texas and national level CGA are consistently working with industry stakeholders and regulators to produce stronger, more effective results through partnership, collaboration, and the pursuit of common goals in damage prevention.
There are currently 21 Damage Prevention Councils active across the State of Texas. The areas covered by these councils include around 97% of the population of the state. In promoting a spirit of shared responsibility, regional DPCs welcome all stakeholders who would like to be a part of the damage prevention solution. As a contractor and professional excavator working in Texas, you are invited to participate in any of the stakeholder roundtables which meet on a regular basis all across Texas.
Don’t be part of the problem when there’s an easy way to be part of the solution.
For access to individual DPC websites and meeting schedules or to find information on establishing a DPC in your area, visit the Texas811 website.
-Doug Meeks
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